How to pick a winner from comments on Instagram?
So if you just signed up for Arbitery and ready to select a winner for your giveaway or contest, this page will explain how to do that with our Instagram comment picker.
Click "Select an Action"
Select "Leave a Comment" option
Copy the link to the post you want to pick a winner for
Don't know how to do that? Learn here how to find the link to your post.
Paste the link
Adjust the filters if necessary
Click "Add rule"
Double check the list of rules above to make sure everything is right
Click "Draw Winners"
Next, an automated process of collecting the comments from Instagram will start. The process can sometimes take a while depending on the number of comments under your post. It's not necessary to keep the browser window open. You can close the page and later open it again from the "Draws" page. To continue with picking the winner click the "Draw now" button.

Arbitery automatically collects all the comments and checks if the winner complies with the rules you provided. Once that is done and the winner is known you can start customizing the announcement post. This way you can easily announce the lucky winner and share the generated image to your Instagram feed or story.

Contest rules
Click "Select an Action"
Select "Leave a Comment" option
Copy the link to the post you want to pick a winner for
Don't know how to do that? Learn here how to find the link to your post.
Paste the link
Adjust the filters if necessary
Click "Add rule"
Double check the list of rules above to make sure everything is right
Click "Draw Winners"
Collecting comments
Next, an automated process of collecting the comments from Instagram will start. The process can sometimes take a while depending on the number of comments under your post. It's not necessary to keep the browser window open. You can close the page and later open it again from the "Draws" page. To continue with picking the winner click the "Draw now" button.

Announcement post
Arbitery automatically collects all the comments and checks if the winner complies with the rules you provided. Once that is done and the winner is known you can start customizing the announcement post. This way you can easily announce the lucky winner and share the generated image to your Instagram feed or story.

Updated on: 18/06/2021
Thank you!